Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program

Tuition & Payment Plans

This program is supported entirely through your tuition. We offer a sliding scale based upon household income. We offer this sliding scale on the 'honor system' and ask that you pay as much as you are able based on income.

Household Income Tuition
$50,000 or greater $600 ($540, if paid in full at time of registration)
$40,000-$49,000 $525
$39,000 and under $450

We accept cash or check, VISA, MasterCard, and Discover. Tuition may be paid in the following ways:

Our goal is to the make the Stress Reduction Program available to those who can benefit without regard to ability to pay. Alternative payment options may be considered. For more information, please contact Lisa at Inspiration Center 573-364-0517.

Inspiration Center Chiropractic and Accupuncture Clinic: Where Health Comes Naturally Picture of Dr. Maureen Hall
clinic picture